Monday, 19 March 2012

I've been alone for a long time. Like a really long time. My week routine usually consisted of work, yoga, Skype-ing with family, TV series marathons and, yes, going to the mall. It was seamless--every task has its allotted time. I have an organizer that's worn off cos I used it so much: schedule of gigs, concerts etc. In a nutshell, I have achieved some sort of balance in my life.

Then I met someone. Suddenly, my schedule has to be open for another person.

It was a change I didn't prepare myself for. It seemed my time was never enough to do everything or anything at all. I found myself craving for alone time but when I'm alone I wanted to be with him. I know it's not the biggest dilemma in the world but I was seriously having a hard time catching up with me life, I constantly felt that I never done anything worthwhile.

So today, I decided to reunite with my organizer. The metaphorical light bulb lit up with a sign "stop procrastinating".

On my feet, finally.

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